sore ini baru motret hal-hal baru tentang rosela. belum sempat menulis secara rapi tetapi ada gambar yang siap dinikmati. ada kaliks segar, kapsul biji, biji, kaliks kering, kaliks kering dalam produk teh Rosellakita. Selamat menikmati
seputar Hibiscus sabdariffa, budidaya, keindahan, khasiat, tataniaga
1 komentar:
1.What is the profit margin of the retail store?
2.What is the profit margin of the producer?
3.Do you see any good demand for this product? Based on what do you make your judgements?
4.How do you plan to market this product from the product development perspective?
5.How do you plan to market this product from the market development perspective?
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